Tag Archives: Rabbi Brad Hirschfeld

Five Quick Reflections on Responsible Religion

1. Responsible Religion

M-115We can ignore it. We can try going around it, under it, over it.
But religion can lead to Spiritual Sustenance if we go through it.
This means 
thinking for ourselves, understanding how religion affects us and others— now and later, understanding others’ religions, and creating a relationship to religion that allows us to grow -responsibly.
ZinnHouse is here to help.

2. Floating
and Swimming

Floating and Swimming Through Religion, mixed media by Lauren Zinn.Rabbi David Wolpe wrote that floating takes faith. Floating is especially enjoyable after learning to swim, to propel through water. And faith is especially appreciated after understanding religion.
How do different religious traditions, customs, norms affect our spirit?  It is one thing to float through religion, it is another to understand and move it in ways that strengthen us spiritually. I encourage you to look at this website and, in addition to floating, learn to swim.
October 9, 2010 

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