Category Archives: Interspiritual

How is interspiritual different from interfaith, and what does it offer us personally? Find inspiration and activities at

3 New Buzzwords Changing Religion — Buzzword #1: INTEGRAL

PREVIEW. I’m sitting on the floor, a foot from the TV, turning channels. There is no remote, no recording device. An animated figure appears on the screen. The narrator explains it will experience eight significant crises in its lifetime. Each will occur around a major developmental issue such as trust, identity, intimacy, etc., according to psychologist, Erik Erikson. I SPRINT for pen and paper. AHA! The key to my future. If I study these stages of development, I’ll be prepared for Life. I am 14. And I want to know more.

What other life maps are out there to show what lies ahead?

Erikson's stages of growth Continue reading 3 New Buzzwords Changing Religion — Buzzword #1: INTEGRAL

The Evolutionary Vision of Jodorowsky’s Dune

Photo of a ticket for a reserved seat to see Jodorowsky's DuneAfter watching a documentary called Jodorowsky’s Dune, my “film major” husband announced, “You have to watch this movie. It will blow your mind.” And so I did. And he was right. This is one of those films that raises our consciousness about raising our consciousness. For this reason, hosting a Movie Night with this film is worth it. In fact, I’m giving you my Movie Night! Guide for discussing this film. Invite your family, friends, students, or community to watch. The Guide is FREE for the next two weeks. Here’s a brief review of the film and why you’ll want to show it. Continue reading The Evolutionary Vision of Jodorowsky’s Dune

Ramadan and July 4th, Iftar and InterDependence

Celebrating iftar with a Muslim friend is an interspiritual experience.What I know from fasting each year on the Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippur (sunset to sunset) is that it’s always easier to fast when others are fasting too. This year’s Ramadan, when our Muslim community fasts for a month (sunrise to sunset), coincides with July 4th. I decided to show my support by fasting with them for one of those days. It was so wonderful that I encourage all of us to try this practice as a way to celebrate our American INTERdependence.

How can we all join in creating such new traditions?
Continue reading Ramadan and July 4th, Iftar and InterDependence

Listen: Becoming a New Kind of Religion Teacher

Challenges1How do we become ourselves?

(and not who our parents, principals, preachers, or presidents tell us to be?)   

The 18th century Rabbi Zusya of Anapoli, said he feared that when he died, the angels would ask not “Why weren’t you more like Moses?” but “Why weren’t you more like Zusya?”    

Contemporary Quaker educator, Parker Palmer, gives this advice:
Continue reading Listen: Becoming a New Kind of Religion Teacher


Performers arriving at Hill Auditorium to honor those injured and killed in Orlando with a performance that reaches interspiritual heights. In the wake of tragedy, we look for meaning and find ourselves drawn to experience the wisdom of our higher self.

But how do we reach the higher self?

In Ann Arbor, one University of Michigan Graduate student, Austin Stewart, spontaneously organized a community performance of Mozart’s Requiem on Tuesday evening, June 14th. In less than 48 hours, he brought together musicians and performers of all backgrounds to honor those wounded and killed at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Sponsored by The University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, the public was welcome. Continue reading ANN ARBOR’S REQUIEM FOR ORLANDO

Why I’m Coming Out as a Religion Teacher Who Doesn’t Teach Religion

Photograph of 8 hands in the air with thumbs up. Behind the hair, skin, gender, status, culture, class, language, fashion, and faith, who am I?

I am my message. I am the unique world-view I’m yearning to share. But I’ve been scratching at its surface, poking around the edges, unwilling to fully embrace it. Why?  Continue reading Why I’m Coming Out as a Religion Teacher Who Doesn’t Teach Religion